” … it is not conspiracy theory, indeed it is … conspiracy fact.” [queue theme music] – WeezyLeaks.com


What they don’t want you to know … the dirty secret the cabal of consolidators doesn’t want you to know, is they intend to kill your business, thereby monopolizing and controlling the market; ultimately fixing the price and profits for their advantage, in perpetuity.

Vertical Integration is a means to that end.

Who is this cabal and what are they doing? They are a secret cabal of consolidators intending to dominate and control all supply chain(s); manipulate and dominate the market so as to render any opposition to the conspiracy … impotent; ultimately running any competition out of business.

Much of the content derived for this post is from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, i have given credit as appropriate. Due to its technical nature, you may find some of the content dry. I have simplified the following when possible. -WeezyLeaks.com

Vertical Integration is an arrangement in which the supply chain of a company is owned by that company (or controlled by a cabal). Vertical integration has described management styles that bring large portions of the supply chain not only under a common ownership, but also into one corporation, ( … or a.k.a cabal) as in the 1920’s when the Ford River Rouge Complex began making much of its own steel rather than buying it from suppliers.

A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities involve the transformation of natural resources, raw materials, and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer.

A advertising and marketing company would be considered a component of the system. Sacramento News and Review is an advertising and marketing company. This is important as we will later show. -WeezyLeaks.com

A monopoly … exists when a specific person or enterprise is the only supplier of a particular commodity. This contrasts with oligopoly which consists of a few sellers (cabal of sellers) dominating a market.


A monopoly produced through vertical integration is called a vertical monopoly; a vertical oligopoly is therefore a form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers (oligopolists). Oligopolies can result from various forms of collusion which reduce competition and lead to higher prices for consumers.

With few sellers, each oligopolist is likely to be aware of the actions of the others. According to game theory, the decisions of one participant therefore influence and are influenced by decisions of other participants. Strategic planning by oligopolists needs to take into account the likely responses of the other market participants. –Wikipedia

therefore, the Sac City Conspiracy, isn’t simply just a monopoly; it is more … it is a Vertical Oligopoly. -WeezyLeaks.com

Okay, that’s the technical stuff; out of the way. Clearly, the bad guys with the black hats; they want to take over the market, kill your business and fix the price. What are the impacts to you, the cannabis business owner or permit holder, and what are the methods they employ to accomplish this? More importantly … is it too late to stop them? Will YOU stop them?

WEEZYLEAKS.com intends to show you how this cabal operates and what the impacts are; how they effect you, the potential cannabis business owner or permit holder, and what you can do now to protect the future of your business. [queue theme music] -WeezyLeaks.com

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