That’s; whats up! Trump declares war on recreational pot; inadvertently making Prop 215 relevant again. So what does this mean for the Sacramento Cannabis Region and the state of California? Our bet is that Sacramento follows their own precedent and will put any further cannabis business permitting on hold.  Weezyleaks.com breaks it down … more in the following post.

Prohibition is back in a big way; Trump has raised his mighty sword and in one fail swoop slays recreational pot; stuffing many legalization plans across the nation, increasing pressure for many states including California. President Trump has stated that he supports medical marijuana patients and their suffering; but likened recreational weed to the opiate epidemic raging across the nation. In other words … initiate enforcement against recreational; hands off medical.

Well this was predicted by many; the fat elephant in the room for years has been that federal laws have never changed and it has always been at the President’s discretion and the grace of the DOJ whether to enforce those laws.The big question is … what will Sacramento do now?

Sacramento City Council set precedent in 2011 – 2013 putting the dispensary permitting process on hold during the infamous “federal crackdown.”  Given the president’s new direction on recreational weed; and the dispensary precedent; our bet is that Sac City will keep in place its moratorium on commercial cultivation, and put any further cannabis permitting on hold until they can determine what tactics the president might take against already legal states … such as Colorado, and Washington, etc., before they implement any further potentially aggravating circumstances which might get the fed’s unwanted attention.

California will likewise do so, and delay implementation of recreational sales now scheduled for 2018; our bet is the delay will stretch into 2020.  The president’s potential authorization for enforcement, bolsters proponents position regarding newly proposed law; California Assembly bill 1578; preventing California state and local agencies from cooperating with federal cannabis enforcement operations in California. Weezyleaks.com recognizes its importance, and supports this proposed law. Weezyleaks.com encourages all patients contact your representative and tell them you support this law.

Weezyleaks.com supports Proposition 215 and medical marijuana; and the decriminalization of marijuana in general. However, “legalization” has been an ugly beast. Recent recreational law and regulations only benefit state and local coffers and the established cannabis organizations who support a closed market; ultimately benefiting patients and consumers very little. These close-market organizations, many which operate in quasi legal and illegal statuses, have been and currently taking advantage of medical marijuana and the years of progress Proposition 215 has provided to line their greedy pockets.

Patients and advocates must take a stand; defend prop 215 and medical marijuana from all detractors … this also includes closed-market proponents, who willingly sacrificed Proposition 215, in support of bad law; only to satisfy their constant and perpetual greed.

Our advice? Always keep your medical marijuana Prop 215 recommendation current; regardless, whatever happens to recreational law California residents have the right to use marijuana to treat pain and suffering.


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