Hey everyone; this is a quick commentary on the cities plan to add 10 additional dispensary permits; 5 dispensary permits each year for two years.

Recently at a council meeting when discussing adding dispensary permits Council-member Ashby stated something to the effect that she doesn’t think we should add more dispensary permits when we have an obvious situation with the cities mismanagement of the cannabis program that is not being handled.

WL agrees with Ms Ashby; she is absolutely dead on; and for the the record we think this is what should be done about it.

WL believes the city council should immediately suspend/prohibit any changes to the code or transfers or moves or anything until the fate of the current 30 dispensary permits are determined.

As WL previously reported  25 dispensary permits are now currently INVALID having transferred ownership; what should happen is the offending permits need to be officially terminated; and re-issued before any more permits are added.

Because the permits were unlawfully transferred; the permits are technically terminated already; therefore the city just needs to officially acknowledge the fact and re-issue the permits. An audit should be performed and any “direct or indirect” transfer of ownership should be publicly acknowledged; and terminated. There is no appeal.

How the permits are re-issued should be publicly debated in open forum, and all claims should be heard. The city should show no hesitation in terminating the offending permits; nor should the public sympathize with these scoundrels. After-all, we aren’t talking about independent operators here; as they once started out as.

No, these dispensaries have evolved into conglomerates … and have been “consolidated” and concentrated into the hands of a very few oligarchs. These oligarchs knew the rules, and they broke them anyway; flaunting the law, hoping their transgressions would not see the light of day.

They never seen WL coming though; they never counted on Weezyleaks. That’s right, Weezyleaks was here, and is here. WL shined the light of truth on these crooks, don’t you know. Bottom line: the offending permits need to be terminated, and instead of just indiscriminately adding more permits; the fate of the current dispensary permits need to be determined.

Once determined; the offending permits should re-issued; giving first priority to qualified military veterans and core equity participants.

Once that process completes then the question as when and how many dispensary permits should be added should be answered by public debate and open forum.

Thank you.

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