Sac City Conspiracy, what is endgame? Monopolization of the Cannabis Market.

Cannabis in the City of Sacramento has a different smell nowadays; and it ain’t dank. It is a vile smell, emanating from the top of the cannabis food chain. The smell is Vertical Integration; and IT IS GOING TO RUIN YOUR DAY.

The state of cannabis affairs in Sac City can be categorically summarized in one word: “compromised”.

COMPROMISED: to expose or make vulnerable to danger, suspicion, scandal, etc.;jeopardize:

Be aware, due to negligent oversight and “insider” corruption within our city hall; the legitimacy of cannabis legislation in Sac City has been compromised. The cannabis market promises millions of dollars; as a result, has lured groups of unscrupulous professionals (business, lawyers, doctors, govt officials, and others) intending to manipulate and ultimately monopolize the cannabis market in Sacramento Valley Region.

These “professionals” wear suits and ties, masquerading as helpful advocates, when in fact they are unscrupulous businessmen, corrupt officials and greedy lawyers intent upon creating advantages relationships to further their agenda, which is to establish, and implement “Vertical Integration” into the marketplace, through manipulation of the Legislation process.
Vertical Integration is nothing less then “monopolization of the supply channel.”
The How and the Why
How is the amendment process abused? 
Transferring dispensary ownership is clearly unlawful in Sacramento; yet this “act” is perpetrated with the assistance of City Officials; such as Brad Wassan; City Manger’s office,  Joy Patterson; Planning and Development. The question is why … and how.  Who benefit’s? Who doesn’t? Consolidators benefit.
Under the guise of helpful advocates, “consolidation groups” corrupt lower levels of Sac City government; working their influence up the food chain to the top. City officials are “lobbied” hard with incentives; forming relationships fraught with conflicts of interest. Access is bought and sold like a commodity. If you want to own a dispensary or cannabis business there are necessary palms to grease, and payoffs to be made; relationships cemented thru conspiracy and fraud. Its a shady business.
Its the season of the witch; troubled times lay ahead.
Criminal groups; let’s call them “Consolidators” use insider connections and relationships both internal and external, to manipulate cannabis legislation and abuse the amendment process to their advantage. Consolidators also cause issues to gain leverage in negotiations. Consolidators use their influence; with the City Manager, Brad Wassan and other members of city staff, to abuse the amendment process; to cause or create impacting issues for a cannabis business owner/applicant, applying for permits.
Once the issue is manifested through the ordinance amendment process, the consolidator (broker) will offer to buy the dispensary at far below market value.  The troubled owner in most cases will see that the deck is stacked against him, and submit, as the city and the consolidator squeeze the owner into an unlawful purchase agreement. Consolidators often use other methods to achieve their goal: gang stalking, bribery, extortion, fraud, conspiracy and corruption to harass an owner into selling.
This is fraud; unfair business practices and it is unlawful; combine that with conspiracy and yes … that’s right sport fans, we have us a criminal conspiracy. Can I get a word? Felony! Goddamn, goddamn!
Consolidators perform miracles, raising failed permits from the dead. The rule is If  a dispensary has been closed for more then a year … the permits is dead. That was the case for at least 5 dispensary permits, but NOT SO,  for Brad Wassan and friends at City Hall. With the help from their friends in City Hall, Consolidators purchase failed dispensary permits and use their relationships with city officials to miraculously bring them back to life. Its amazing; it is also criminal, and the reality is the invalid permit, is now subject to revocation and termination.
Why do they do it?
The why, on the surface might appear to be obvious, but it is deeper and more complex then you imagine.  We will explore this question in depth over the next series of reports. We will cut open this carcass and dissect it; piece by piece, and expose the guts. It is more then just unlawful transfer of dispensary permits; its about Vertical Integration, and control (price, quality, safety) over the cannabis market in Sacramento.
KNOW THIS: If you intend to PURCHASE a cultivator or cottage permit from Sacramento City; Vertical Integration is your new headache. My subsequent argument will leave no doubt, Sacramento intends to EARN millions of dollars during this cycle of cultivation authorization. Sacramento intends to make you pay thousands to rightfully grow marijuana. The dirty little secret, they don’t want you to know, is that … YOUR NEW MARIJUANA BUSINESS IS DESTINED TO FAIL!!

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