WEEZYLEAKS EXCLUSIVE: Sactown sued in Federal Court for Violations of Constitutionally Protected Rights. The City of Sacramento has been named defendant in a Federal Lawsuit filed in the United States District Court; Eastern District of California.

WeezyLeaks.com has learned that the lawsuit is the first in a potential series of lawsuits or class-action lawsuit to be filed against the City of Sacramento. The lawsuit alleges violations of constitutionally protected right. However the inside scoop is that the City Managers office facilitated at least 25 “not legal’ dispensary permit purchases. Transfer of dispensary permits are a big “no-no dumb shit” in Sacramento for according to the ordinance that governs this area; if a dispensary permit transfers ownership; the permit is subject to immediate termination.  25 out of 30 dispensary permits … poof; up in smoke! Wow that’s alot of patient access!

25 out of 30 dispensary’s will create a problem for patient access; what will Sacramento’s response be? Will Sacramento really lose 25 dispensary’s or will the city open the dispensary selection process back open? Will these 25 dispensaries be replaced or allowed to stay open? Will you be in line for a dispensary permit in Sacramento City; openings are available; apparently.

Sacramento currently permits 30 dispensary’s to operate. A WeezyLeaks.com exclusive report, broke the story 2 weeks ago that 25 out of these 30 dispensary’s have transferred ownership. WeezyLeaks.com has it on good information that City Manager office Brad Wassan has personally facilitated all of these “not legal” transactions. Brad Wassan is alleged to work with major players in the buyers market for marijuana dispensary permits. Some of the names we’ve heard here at WeezyLeaks.com are: Justin Kitano; Max Del Rio; Justin Flanery; Atty Doug White, Atty James Anthony,  Adam Wood, Matthew Davies, Bryan Smith, Atty David M Syme.  One interesting name found in our investigation is Robbie Watters; former City of Sacramento Council Member; outed amid scandal and charges of corruption. Rumor is a Sacramento Police Chief also has ownership interest in a dispensary permit; stay tuned for a WeezyLeaks.com update.

Hard to imagine Brad Wassan or other city employees did not receive some form of illegal compensation for these favors. This is an area of focus for WeezyLeaks.com; and more information will be coming soon.

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