Weezyleaks predicts the Winners: Sactown Announces 2021 winners of the Dispensary RFQ

Well here we are less then a couple of hours away from the biggest event in Sacramento cannabis … in a long time. Who will walk away with the dispensary permits? Weezyleaks predicts at least some of the winners have already been preselected.

BACKGROUND: Last year Weezyleaks attended a meeting of the United CORE Alliance (UCA), at that meeting WL met some people and had listened to some frank talk and some bold expectations. At this meeting Weezyleaks quickly determined that these folks already knew that the city would be issuing 10 dispensary permits. Sure enough, later that month, the city announced that they would offer 10 dispensaries to the main CORE group. WL was surprised, but the biggest surprises were still to come.

During the meeting Weezyleaks discussed our background and our goal to expose the cannabis corruption in Sactown City Hall. WL discussed how we were trying to expose the cannabis monopoly which is facilitated by City Hall, and who the top players are.

One surprising response WL received was made by Mindi Galloway; she said paraphrasing … yeah we know about the cannabis monopoly but “any exposure must be done behind closed doors.” In other words she was already aware of the issue and was already negotiating on the matter.

WL did a mini background investigation on Mindi Galloway, she is the current CEO of Khemia which was founded by Kimberly Cargile and Mandi Tingler; and all of these folks have been linked to A Therapeutic Alternative cannabis dispensary in town. Khemia, Cargile, Tingler, and Galloway are all founders and associates of the Sacramento Cannabis Business Alliance association in town. The SCBA has a strong presence in the Sac Asian League, one of the two organizations given 2 million dollars by the City to run the CORE equity Program. Okay so that’s who Mindi Galloway is.

Moving forward; during this meeting these folks talked as if they already knew who was getting the cannabis dispensaries. From the information WL gleaned; it was determined that at least five of the ten dispensary permits would be going to the UNITED CORE ALLIANCE (UCA) group of folks; this was before the city had announced 10 dispensaries would be awarded to the Equity CORE Program in the form of a lottery. This was very surprising information.

Since then WL was successfully able to block the Lottery from happening, however the City determined to issue the 10 dispensaries by the current RFQ process. Mayor Steinberg cancelled the lottery because of liability of getting sued. His plan was to implement the RFQ process and the use cover from the CORE Equity Program to distribute the dispensary permits to ” … come out the way we want it.”

In other words the Mayor wanted control over where those permits would eventually end up; ringers inside the CORE program … preselected to obtain the permits were predetermined before the Lottery. When the Lottery was cancelled due to liability of being sued by Weezyleaks, the mayor needed the RFQ program to carry out his plan to issue the permits to preselected individuals.

Weezyleaks believes the overall plan is a power share brokered by the City Auditor, between the two cannabis associations in town: SCIA (Karapetyan) and SCBA (Cargile). WL believes the “basic” plan is to have each association take control of 5 dispensaries for each association, through preselected “ringers” inside the CORE Equity Program; specifically in the sub group: UCA. WL was not able to determine who all of the “ringers” were, nor whether the specific number each association is predetermined to control. In fact WL does NOT guarantee the accuracy of any of this information; it is all pure speculation based upon WL investigation. This article is merely a timestamp on this information. Weezyleaks will predict the winners of 4 dispensary permits before the winners are announced. WL believes the following people the UCA have been pre-selected to win the cannabis dispensaries. Mindi Galloway, Bryan Smith, Brandon Louis or Bolton, a black man named Tre.

This is a breaking story. The city is set to announce the winners of the Dispensary RFQ process today after 11am: stay tuned. Weezyleaks will predict 4 names WL was able to glean from the UCA meeting; WL these names will either receive the actual dispensary permit or will be associated with another member within the UCA.

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