This is a very poorly written email. It has poor sentence structure and grammar.  It’s also untrue.

Nonetheless, please keep sending these to me.


CONFIDENTIAL & PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION This message is for the named person’s use only. The information contained in this communication is confidential and/or privileged. No confidentially or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission.

Sent from my iPhone

WeezyLeaks.com has received an email from Chief of Staff Joe Devlin in response to the latest WeezyLeaks.com report defining Vertical Integration and accusing Sac City of facilitating the conspiracy to commit fraud; buying and selling dispensary permits.

Did the city managers office just call WeezyLeaks.com a liar?

Are you calling me a liar? The gauntlet has been thrown! All Weezyleaks.com reports are true, and we intend to make our case right here, right now. Sac City states the report is untrue; WeezyLeaks.com will prove the allegations true!

Unfortunately, Mr. Devlin was not more specific about his statement. Instead of providing support for his statement, Mr. Devlin complained about the reports “poor sentence structure and grammar.” WeezyLeaks.com apologizes for the poor quality, in our defense most of the report contents was provided by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Devlin could have provided some real information but a quick brief on proper sentence structure was apparently more important. WeezyLeaks.com believes corruption is more important then grammar.

Very well it appears the issue has been engaged. The city has denied the allegations originating from WeezyLeaks.com. WeezyLeaks responded to Deviin’s email; inviting the city manager’s office to “enlighten” us. It remains to be seen whether “they” will provide any information or documentation supporting their accusation that WeezyLeaks.com report is “untrue.” We can’t wait … literally we can not wait … will not wait for this information from city hall. Instead we make our case using the following example.


If WeezyLeaks.com is lying about the conspiracy to buy and sell dispensary permits; then Mr. Devlin please “enlighten” us. Please explain to us how TWO RIVERS COLLECTIVE is operating at its current address?

Two Rivers is a 2nd permit originally owned by Justin Flannery. The reality is that David Kassis (owner of a the warehouse located at 315 N. 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814) bought that 2nd dispensary permit from Justin Flannery and began operating the dispensary at that location after April of 2011. The transaction is consummated with a secret contract “they” hope we never see. The transaction is unlawful but is is not the point of our discussion. The point of the discussion is to point out the validity of the Two Rivers dispensary permit.

The City knowingly facilitated, approved and allowed Two Rivers to obtain and operate an invalid permit at another dispensary’s original location. More specifically,  WeezyLeaks can prove that action by the City allowed Two Rivers to circumvent the requirements of City Ordinance 17.228.755 which provides that the applicant for the conditional use permit must be the same owner or principal named on the medical marijuana dispensary’s registration as of July 27, 2010, and must be a managing member of the registered medical marijuana dispensary. The application must be for the registered dispensary’s location established as of October 26, 2010.

Two Rivers was not the dispensary located at 315 N 10th St, Sacramento, California. WeezyLeaks.com knows this with certainty, because Sacsterdam Collective inc, was the dispensary operating at that address on October 26, 2010 date and until March of 2011; not Two Rivers.

Mar 2011, the landlord at 315 N 10th st, evicted Sacsterdam and signed a new lease with Two Rivers. Because Two Rivers was not in operation at 315 N 10th St on or before October 26, 2010, their application and subsequent permit is INVALID. Also the ownership was transferred; the new owner, David Kassis advertised in craigslist using his business email soliciting an operations partner for this invalid permit … approximately 1 year later; WeezyLeaks.com has the actual email proving that David Kassis now owns Two Rivers Collective; an unlawful and invalid permit.

So Mr Joe Devlin; you called us a liar, prove it. Explain to us how the situation above can be facilitated without the assistance of Brad Wassan, City Manager’s office. In fact this is just 1 of 25 unlawful transactions facilitated by the City Manager’s office. WeezyLeaks will disclose each and everyone if necessary to prove every one of our allegations.

Our grammar and sentence structure may suck, but … WE DON’T LIE!  –WeezyLeaks.com





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